
Statue of Liberty Re-sculpted with Karl Marx's head.

By executive order of Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, the face of the Statue of Liberty has been re-sculpted to the face of Karl Marx. Regardless of the fact that the statue did not represent a real historical figure, whether considered offensive or not, protestors were threatening to “push the statue over" into the Hudson River. The governor, looking to avoid possible violence, thought it would be best to associate the statue with a figure that, in his own words, is “universally accepted”. Additionally, the date listed on the tablet was changed from July 4th, 1776 to May 5th, 1818.

Even though an alarming number of threats were received, we at Sea Lion still question how or if the feat of pushing over the statue could be accomplished. A “plan” circulating in meme form on social media outlined a rough set of steps through which this feat could be accomplished; it was considered credible as determined by self-certified fact checkers.