
Paul and Mary Replaced with Biden and Hillary in The Great British Baking Show

The Great British Baking show hosts have been replaced with individuals who are neither British nor bakers. Season 11 of the Great British Baking show features Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as stand-in replacements for Paul and Mary. Sue and Mel have also been supplanted respectively by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi.

While Biden, Hillary, AOC nor Pelosi appear to know anything about baking, Biden appears the furthest lost of the four, helplessly wandering about sniffing bread and mumbling incoherently. After filming the season, multiple emails were discovered between Hillary and the winning contestant discussing compensation for the winning vote. When Hillary was requested to surrender her email server for inspection, it was discovered all emails during the time frame of the show were destroyed in a freak proving accident.

Avid Great British Baking Show watchers, who were given a pre-screening of the show, took to social media after Hillary appeared to whisper to Biden, on camera, who to select as Star Baker. Somehow Biden still ended up picking the wrong contestant, but GBBS enthusiast were still outraged at the injustice.

In order to add a bit of controversy, the show producers introduced a conservative pro-Trump contestant. It appears AOC’s and Pelosi’s main job was to make the right-winger’s life miserable. Whether it was AOC’s lectures on global warming when he used beef during a savory challenge or Nancy Pelosi purposely destroying his bakes, somehow the contestant still managed to win Star Baker twice due to Biden mistakenly choosing him.

SPOILER ALERT: Miraculously, the conservative contestant makes it to the final episode. In one last attempt at taking him out of the competition, Nancy Pelosi tears up his recipe in the final technical challenge. Against the odds, the contestant still manages to win the technical challenge. However, after returning to complete the final challenge the next morning, the contestant's cake is found knocked off the table making him ineligible to win.